Dynope brings the future of the past to today.
The C58TM Crash Site
Launched with a breakthrough high void coefficient design, the C58 transported its crew through space and time.
The pinnacle of Dynope's technology intuition and research was lost on a voyage to Altair IV. In 2022 the legendary C58 was inexplicably found in the western US by astroarchaeologists. Space scavengers had pillaged the wreckage. Dynope launched joint initiatives to investigate the crash site and ascertain the circumstances of its disappearance and surprising reappearance. Dynope engineers built a version of the main control system, using original parts from the Dynope archive. Once connected, it revealed the vessel had achieved interdimensional travel.
Two weeks after the C58 appeared, it blinked out of this dimension. In 2023 and 2024, it returned to our dimension and investigations resumed. Astroarchaeological teams set a perimeter and work with urgency as they have limited time with the artifacts.